Jon’s Approach

What does Jon do?

When working with a patient, Jon looks at the body as an integrated whole; considering the body as a system of joints that interact with each other all of the time. When a small component of motion is missing, the muscles around a joint will tighten or spasm to guard against further injury. This further reduces the available motion. Other joints, often removed from the original injury, may then have to adapt to the changes in available motion and will become painful.

Jon assesses the movement pattern at the joints, and works to re-introduce missing components of motion. He uses many different manual techniques directed at re-establishing normal movement. The techniques include myofascial release, joint mobilization, visceral manipulation, functional technique and craniosacral techniques.

Jon’s technique differs from traditional physical therapy in that his treatment approach is based in joint mechanical function, rather than focusing just on relieving symptoms. If these symptoms are caused by an adaptation to a dysfunction in another area, traditional physical therapy may not effectively resolve the problem.